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克罗斯到底怎么看c罗(原翻译什么鬼?) 这翻译的我也是醉了啊。刚刚转了原文被审核了。宽明明说的是,让我选择,两个里面选择我选罗,我的选择会有一点偏向(主观选择),因为我们俩一起拿了很多冠军。这就是为什么不选梅。这明明是一道选择题。下面回复里贴了原文,原翻译稿这“美妙”的断句,“我当然带着偏见”。语言的艺术啊!这个语境明显就是中性偏褒义。相当于,梅罗你选谁啊宽哥。宽:我选罗,我这么选有我的私心,我们赢了那么多奖杯,他为此做出了卓越的贡献,一切都棒棒哒。我们还是邻居呢。他非常地完美。有这些因素在,我显然不选梅。蠢坏翻译:因为我们是队友邻居,我带着偏见我选了罗,我被禁止讨论梅西(嘿嘿) We were not only team-mates, but also neighbours in the dressing room and neighbours in private. He lived right next to me. Seeing what a perfectionist he is was impressive."That is why it is forbidden for me to name Messi (as the best player of all time)." 克罗斯就是说了一段很公允的话,为什么在这个选择里我选c罗,因为一起赢得了东西而不是仅仅是队友吧。我这个选择是主观的,有我自己偏好。我当然是偏见的。中文完全两个意思。所以下次记者可以问,抛开朋友队友这个身份他选谁,不过这个问题本来也比较无聊。有个人侵向很正常。 We were not only team-mates, but also neighbours in the dressing room and neighbours in private. He lived right next to me. Seeing what a perfectionist he is was impressive."That is why it is forbidden for me to name Messi (as the best player of all time)."这个语境明显就是中性偏褒义。相当于,梅罗你选谁啊宽哥。宽:我选罗,我这么选有我的私心,我们赢了那么多奖杯,他为此做出了卓越的贡献,一切都棒棒哒。我们还是邻居呢。他非常地完美。有这些因素在,我显然不选梅。蠢坏翻译:因为我们是队友邻居,我带着偏见我选了罗,我被禁止讨论梅西(嘿嘿) Kroos picks between Messi & RonaldoKroos went on to weigh in on the eternal debate over who is the greatest player of all time, choosing his former Real team-mate Cristiano Ronaldo, who now plays for Juventus, over Barcelona's all-time record goalscorer Messi."From my playing days, it's Cristiano Ronaldo (best player of all time)," said the Blancos star. "Of course I'm biased because he made a decisive contribution to us winning a lot of titles. It was exciting and impressive (to play alongside Ronaldo). 提到了关于梅西和C罗的话题(明明是一个选择题选择梅罗)。“梅西去到了巴黎圣日耳曼,我们会看看未来能发生些什么。或许这对我们有利,因为我们最大的竞争对手失去了他们最好的球员。”“也许这个结果会引发别的事情发生,或许会有新球员加入我们…但我不知道会是什么样的交易,总之,梅西的离开对我们来说肯定不算坏事。”“从我开始踢球的时候(你们看看原文

